All posts by Brad Marcus
Brad Marcus | September 14, 2015
September is Menopause Awareness Month!
There are approximately 65 million menopausal women in the US and September is devoted to raising awareness about...
Brad Marcus | September 8, 2015
The Vagina is Like Las Vegas, Baby!
All of us will begin to experience vulvar and vaginal changes, collectively referred to as atrophy, once we...
Brad Marcus | August 25, 2015
Is Flibanserin (ADDYI™) the Answer to Your Low Libido Prayers?
Flibanserin shows a modest improvement in sexual desire in women who carry a diagnosis for hypoactive sexual desire...
Brad Marcus | August 10, 2015
Is Testosterone The Answer To The Low Libido Question?
If you are a menopausal woman, chances are pretty good that your sex drive has slowed down since...
Brad Marcus | August 7, 2015
Is There Is No Rest For The Weary?
Is there anything worse than a bad night’s sleep? When we experience poor sleep, which refers to both...
Brad Marcus | August 3, 2015
Is Hormone Therapy Making A Comeback?
It has been 13 years since the results of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) were announced, leading many...