Hot Flashes
Brad Marcus | August 9, 2016I AM HOT!
I would like to dedicate this blog to all the hot midlife women who are suffering from hot...
Forgetfulness and Lack of Focus
Brad Marcus | August 2, 2016Menofog Rolls In, Focus Rolls Out!
Memory, concentration, learning, problem-solving and reasoning skills all tend to decline as we grow older. And by older,...
Skin and hair health
Brad Marcus | July 22, 2016BEWARE OF CHIN HAIR. IT’S JUST NOT FAIR!
Hirsutism is a term used to describe hair growth in a typically male pattern location such as the...
Brad Marcus | July 20, 2016What The Heck Is Perimenopause Anyway? The 5 Most Important Things to Know!
As a gynecologist who specializes in midlife health, I am always amazed that most women do not have...
Skin and hair health
Brad Marcus | July 12, 2016Time to Cover Up: July is National UV Safety Month
You will never, ever find me lying out in the sun. Instead, what you will see is a...
Women's Health
Dr. Allmen | April 29, 2016May is Physical Fitness Month
The first step towards getting fit is taking the first step.